Clever Website

SF-based UX design studio

Project Summary

Clever creates digital products through thoughtful UX and beautiful design for global brands such as Intel, Mozilla, and Fitbit, as well as small tech startups. Clever previously relied on referrals to attract new business but decided that in 2015 they wanted a website to show off their work and promote their UX workshops. I collaborated with their team to craft compelling copy that describes their culture, design process, work approach, services, and workshops. 

Finding Clever's Voice

Since Clever had previously only relied on referrals for new business, they hadn't yet established their voice when I came on board. They also had very little existing copy to provide me with a basic knowledge of who they are and what they do. Through multiple conversations with the founder and written questionnaires for the full team, we defined Clever's voice, their target audience, what motivates them, and what sets them apart.

Industry Research

I came into this project with little knowledge of user experience design. In addition to picking the founder's brain about the field and their role within it, I researched their competitors and read articles and blog posts about user experience and user interface design. This helped me understand the industry language and the unique value Clever has to offer.

Check out the final product at

When I first began looking for help writing our website copy, I didn’t think I’d be able to make a writer really understand what we do and how our industry works. Molly, however, asked really good questions that made me realize I needed to get clear on our messaging. There are a lot of people that can write well, but being able to develop and distill someone else’s ideas is a cut above, and Molly was able to offer that. I’d recommend working with Molly because of course she words things well, but more importantly she knows how to facilitate the process of crafting a message. Chris Browning, Founder & User Experience Strategist at Clever UX